Remove the transmission.
Remove the release fork boot (A) from the clutch housing (B).
Squeeze the release fork set spring (C) with pliers to remove the release fork (D) from the clutch housing. Remove the release bearing (E).
ATF Cooler Cleaning (A/T)
Special Tools Required
ATF Cooler Cleaner GHTTTCF6H
Magnetic Nonbypass Spin-On Filter GTHGNBP2
*: Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program 888-424-6857.
Before installing an ...
Map Screen
Rear Seats
Adjusting the Rear Seat-Backs
Pull the lever on the right to change the angle
of the right half of the seat-back, and left for
the left half.
Folding Down the Rear Seats
1. Unlatch the detach ...