Honda Fit manuals

Honda Fit: Rocker Arm Assembly Installation

  1. If the rocker arm assembly is disassembled, reassemble the rocker arm assembly.

  1. Apply engine oil to the end of the valve stem.

  1. Install the rocker arm assembly.

  1. Tighten each bolts two turns at a time in the sequence.

    Specified Torque

    6 x 1.0 mm


    15 NВ·m (1.5 kgfВ·m, 11 lbfВ·ft)


    9.8 NВ·m (1.0 kgfВ·m, 7 lbfВ·ft)

  2. Adjust the valve clearance.

  3. Install the cylinder head cover.

See also:

Dashboard/Steering Hanger Beam Disassembly/Reassembly (Page-2)
From the front of the dashboard (A), remove the screws. @font-face{font-family: "Honda_SymbolMarkeng";src:url(/statics/ho_prod_2/txt/Honda_SymbolMark_ ...

Driving to Your Destination
This section describes how to follow the route guidance to your destination, and choose the icons displayed on the map screen. ...

Rearview Mirror Replacement
Release the hooks (A), then pull the mirror base cover (B) down. @font-face{font-family: "Honda_SymbolMarkeng";src:url(/statics/ho_prod_2/txt/Honda_SymbolMar ...

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