Honda Fit manuals

Honda Fit: Power Windows System Description

Anti-pinch Power Window Operation

The system is composed of the power window control unit (built into the power window master switch) and the driver's power window motor.

The driver's power window motor incorporates a Hall IC unit (pulser) which generates pulses during the motor's operation and sends pulses to the power window control unit. As soon as the power window control unit detects a change in the pulse frequency from the Hall IC unit (pulser), the power window control unit makes the power window motor stop and reverse. This prevents pinching your hand or fingers during auto-up operation. The anti-pinch function does not work when the power window master switch is held in the closed position.

HALL IC UNIT (PULSER)MAGNETPOWER WINDOW MOTORPOWER WINDOWMASTER SWITCHSensorMAGNETICICNSPeriod ofpulsesPeriod of pulsesPosition when something is pinchedThreshold value for judgment of pinchingPeriod ofpulses
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