Honda Fit manuals

Honda Fit: Radio Theft Protection

Your vehicle’s audio system will disable itself if it is disconnected from electrical power for any reason.

To make it work again, you must enter a specific five-digit code in the preset buttons. Because there are hundreds of number combinations possible from five digits, making the system work without knowing the exact code is nearly impossible.

You should have received a card that lists your audio system’s code and serial numbers. It is best to store this card in a safe place at home. In addition, you should write the audio system’s serial number in this owner’s manual.

If you lose the card, you must obtain the code number from a dealer. To do this, you will need the system’s serial number.

If your vehicle’s battery is disconnected or goes dead, or the radio fuse is removed, the audio system will disable itself. If this happens, you will see ‘‘ENTER CODE’’ in the frequency display the next time you turn on the system.

Use the preset buttons to enter the code. The code is on the radio code card included in your owner’s manual kit. When it is entered correctly, the radio will start playing.

If you make a mistake entering the code, do not start over; complete the five-digit sequence, then enter the correct code. You have 10 tries to enter the correct code. If you are unsuccessful in 10 attempts, you must then leave the system on for 1 hour before trying again.

See also:

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