Calculate the route from the map of the destination address.
Select Calculate the Route.
► The system calculates and displays the route line on the map screen.
“Display Destination Map” (when
en route)
Adding a Waypoint
(“Pit Stop”)
You can add up to four waypoints along
your route.
1 Press the DEST button.
2 Select Waypoint.
3 Select search method.
When you select Places Around the
Waypoint, select the desired waypoint.
Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Sensor Replacement (A/T)
Remove the air cleaner assembly.
Disconnect the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector, and
remove the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor (A).
Three Way Catalytic Converter
The three way catalytic converter contains precious metals that serve as catalysts,
promoting chemical reactions to convert the exhaust gasses without affecting the
The catalytic converte ...